Hobby stuff has been kind of quiet the past week. We haven't organised the next D&D session so there hasn't been an impetus to finish anything on that front. My hobby time has mainly been spent tipping away at painting up a squad of 90s era Cadians for my Imperial Guard. There is still some work left to do to finish them up, but they're at a fine tabletop standard for me right now and I think kicking back into painting was more important than a perfect job on them.
I picked up another squad of the metal Cadians on eBay along with a bunch of Wood Elves on eBay and have painted the Guard up to match with my existing figures. This brings me up to about 25 infantry, along with various other individual models I've picked up over the years. The new edition of 40k has me thinking of maybe bringing this up to being a 500-1000 point force and getting some games in, but given the apartment situation, the working from home and hence not being near the club I was attending before quarantine, etc. Maybe it doesn't make sense to have such a storage heavy force that won't be seeing much use for the forseeable.
The terrain piece in the header picture for this post was a little scratchbuild one evening that I've since based, and still needs to be painted before I can start using it as a backdrop for miniatures. I have plans to build a backdrop holder so I don't have to crudely montage in a background as here.